BCPoCUS - BC Point of Care Ultrasound

BC Point of Care Ultrasound

Your go-to resource for point-of-care ultrasound rapid summaries and videos.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)

Rapid Summary

When to scan:

  • Abdominal pain, flank pain or back pain
  • Shock, Hypotension or Syncope
  • High Risk: Male, smoker, HTN, >50yo
5 Minute Video

Where to put the probe:


• At level of xiphoid process
• Midline, Transverse
• Slide until bifurcation

  • Abdominal pain, flank pain or back pain
  • Shock, Hypotension or Syncope
  • High Risk: Male, smoker, HTN, >50yo
  • At level of xiphoid process
  • Midline, Transverse
  • Slide until bifurcation
