Inferior Vena Cava (IVC)
Where to put the probe:

• Tilt probe to look into thorax
• Start midline and sweep just to the right of patient midline
BC Point of Care Ultrasound
Your go-to resource for point-of-care ultrasound rapid summaries and videos.
BC Point of Care Ultrasound
Your go-to resource for point-of-care ultrasound rapid summaries and videos.
• Tilt probe to look into thorax
• Start midline and sweep just to the right of patient midline
Flat IVC:
More likely to improve cardiac output with IV fluids.
Suggests fluid depleted state:
• Pneumonia
• Anemia
Fat IVC:
Less likely to improve cardiac output with IV fluids.
Higher risk of developing pulmonary edema with fluid loading!
Suggests high RV pressure:
• Congestive heart failure
• Pulmonary embolism
• Pulmonary hypertension
• Tamponade