What is BC PoCUS?
Looking for a quick video or refresher that shows you how to perform a common point-of-care ultrasound exam?
BC PoCUS allows you to skip the process of wading through a search engine to find great videos. We’ve already done the work by linking you to great online resources through our clinically oriented interface.
BC PoCUS is a collaboration of educators and health care providers who seek to support PoCUS practitioners across British Columbia, with the aim of ultimately improving health care for patients.

Oron Frenkel, MS MD
PoCUS Director, Emergency Medicine, St. Paul's Hospital
Oron is an American trained ABEM-certified emergency physician with a fellowship in Point-Of-Care Ultrasound. He leads the PoCUS Program in Emergency Medicine at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC and helps direct the University of British Columbia Department of Emergency Medicine PoCUS Fellowship. He developed and runs an innovative immersion program to provide rigorous PoCUS experience to residents and staff physicians from any background.

Tandi Wilkinson, MD, CCFP-EM
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Tandi started off her career as a rural family physician, but switched to full time rural emergency medicine ten years ago. As a CPD consultation with UBC Rural CPD, she has led the HOUSE EM course since its inception. She also co-developed the HOUSE OB offering. As an early adopter of POCUS, she has been involved in teaching this tool to rural physicians for a number of years, as she loves the value it brings to rural patient care. Tandi lives in Nelson, BC.

Kathryn Young, MA
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Kathryn is a project manager with UBC CPD. She manages a diverse portfolio, including the international medical graduate programming and the Hands-On Ultrasound Education (HOUSE) Program.

Claudia Hopkins, HBSc, BDes (in progress)
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Claudia is an instructional designer with UBC CPD, and designed the BC PoCUS website. She is currently studying Interaction Design at Emily Carr University of Art + Design to explore how user experiences can enhance medical communication and healthcare.

Bianca Boicu, BA
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Bianca is a research assistant with UBC CPD and works on a variety of programs to support internationally educated family physicians throughout their transition to fully licensed medical practice in British Columbia and engage local physicians in practice improvement activities.

Noud de Rover, Web Developer
Data Roots Web Design and Development
Noud is the web developer for BC PoCUS and the founder of Data Roots Web Design and Development. Originally from the Netherlands, Noud brought 20 years of web development experience with him to Canada. His passion is to provide his customers with excellent service and pass on his experience to other local developers.
BCPoCUS.ca was developed and is operated by the UBC Faculty of Medicine’s Division of Rural Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in partnership with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. Funding for BCPoCUS was provided by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, a joint committee of the Doctors of BC and BC Ministry of Health.

UBC RCPD Program
The UBC Rural Continuing Professional Development (RCPD) Program is committed to supporting the learning needs of physicians and other health care providers who practice in rural and remote areas of British Columbia (BC). RCPD strives to improve rural patient health by offering collaborative and innovative CPD to rural health care providers.

The Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc)
The Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) is an advocate for rural health in British Columbia. RCCbc works on behalf of the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, an entity that advises the BC government and the Doctors of BC on matters pertaining to rural medical practice.

The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC)
The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) was established under the Rural Subsidiary Agreement in 2001. It is comprised of representatives from Doctors of BC, the Ministry of Health, and the health authorities. The JSC advises the BC government and Doctors of BC on matters pertaining to rural medical practice. The goal of the JSC is to enhance the availability and stability of physician services in rural and remote areas of British Columbia by addressing some of the unique and difficult circumstances faced by physicians in these areas.
BC PoCUS’ Friends:

5 Min Sono
5 Min Sono is a free, open access medical educational resource that has created a wide range of high quality POCUS content. We thank them for their generous permission to use their content on this site.

BC Emergency Medicine Network
The BC Emergency Medicine Network connects BC emergency practitioners with each other and with current, practical resources via four core programs. And these programs – Clinical Resources, Innovation, Continuing Professional Development, and Real-Time Support – integrate this support under one roof. In this way, the Network connects academics, policy makers, administrators, managers, and patients with front-line clinicians.

PoCUS Atlas
The Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Atlas is collaborative education platform where they create, share, and curate free ultrasound education material. Their goal is to improve the way POCUS is taught on a global scale. The POCUS Image Atlas is a collection of rare, exemplary, and perfectly captured ultrasound images intended to be used as educational material. The infographics of The Evidence Atlas showcase the data powering the POCUS movement.
We have not received financial support of any kind from industry sources, includ-ing drug or device companies. Our sponsors are solely interested in expanding safe and effective PoCUS use in the medical community.
This website represents how we and other experts have interpreted the ultrasound literature at the time of its creation. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors. This website does not represent the opinions or views of the University of British Columbia, the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, or the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. For more information, please see our Terms of Use.
What is BC PoCUS?
BC PoCUS represents a collaboration of educators, health care providers, and administrators who seek to safely expand PoCUS practice across British Columbia.
We aim to support PoCUS users from rural and urban environments who practice in clinic, emergency, critical care, and operative environments.
We believe safe and effective PoCUS use has the potential to transform patient care across British Columbia in these diverse clinical settings.
Our partners are engaged and committed to improving the dissemination of PoCUS technologies and competent practice across British Columbia and beyond!
BC PoCUS is a collaboration of educators and health care providers who seek to support PoCUS practitioners across British Columbia, with the aim of ultimately improving health care for patients.

Oron Frenkel, MS MD
PoCUS Director, Emergency Medicine, St. Paul's Hospital
Oron is an American trained ABEM-certified emergency physician with a fellowship in Point-Of-Care Ultrasound. He leads the PoCUS Program in Emergency Medicine at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, BC and helps direct the University of British Columbia Department of Emergency Medicine PoCUS Fellowship. He developed and runs an innovative immersion program to provide rigorous PoCUS experience to residents and staff physicians from any background.

Tandi Wilkinson, MD, CCFP-EM
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Tandi started off her career as a rural family physician, but switched to full time rural emergency medicine ten years ago. As a CPD consultation with UBC Rural CPD, she has led the HOUSE EM course since its inception. She also co-developed the HOUSE OB offering. As an early adopter of POCUS, she has been involved in teaching this tool to rural physicians for a number of years, as she loves the value it brings to rural patient care. Tandi lives in Nelson, BC.

Kathryn Young, MA
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Kathryn is a project manager with UBC CPD. She manages a diverse portfolio, including the international medical graduate programming and the Hands-On Ultrasound Education (HOUSE) Program.

Claudia Hopkins, HBSc, BDes (in progress)
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Claudia is an instructional designer with UBC CPD, and designed the BC PoCUS website. She is currently studying Interaction Design at Emily Carr University of Art + Design to explore how user experiences can enhance medical communication and healthcare.

Bianca Boicu, BA
UBC Continuing Professional Development (UBC CPD)
Bianca is a research assistant with UBC CPD and works on a variety of programs to support internationally educated family physicians throughout their transition to fully licensed medical practice in British Columbia and engage local physicians in practice improvement activities.

Noud de Rover, Web Developer
Data Roots Web Design and Development
Noud is the web developer for BC PoCUS and the founder of Data Roots Web Design and Development. Originally from the Netherlands, Noud brought 20 years of web development experience with him to Canada. His passion is to provide his customers with excellent service and pass on his experience to other local developers.
BCPoCUS.ca was developed and is operated by the UBC Faculty of Medicine’s Division of Rural Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in partnership with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. Funding for BCPoCUS was provided by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, a joint committee of the Doctors of BC and BC Ministry of Health.

UBC RCPD Program
The UBC Rural Continuing Professional Development (RCPD) Program is committed to supporting the learning needs of physicians and other health care providers who practice in rural and remote areas of British Columbia (BC). RCPD strives to improve rural patient health by offering collaborative and innovative CPD to rural health care providers.

The Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc)
The Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) is an advocate for rural health in British Columbia. RCCbc works on behalf of the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, an entity that advises the BC government and the Doctors of BC on matters pertaining to rural medical practice.

The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC)
The Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues (JSC) was established under the Rural Subsidiary Agreement in 2001. It is comprised of representatives from Doctors of BC, the Ministry of Health, and the health authorities. The JSC advises the BC government and Doctors of BC on matters pertaining to rural medical practice. The goal of the JSC is to enhance the availability and stability of physician services in rural and remote areas of British Columbia by addressing some of the unique and difficult circumstances faced by physicians in these areas.
BC PoCUS’ Friends:

5 Min Sono
5 Min Sono is a free, open access medical educational resource that has created a wide range of high quality POCUS content. We thank them for their generous permission to use their content on this site.

BC Emergency Medicine Network
The BC Emergency Medicine Network connects BC emergency practitioners with each other and with current, practical resources via four core programs. And these programs – Clinical Resources, Innovation, Continuing Professional Development, and Real-Time Support – integrate this support under one roof. In this way, the Network connects academics, policy makers, administrators, managers, and patients with front-line clinicians.

PoCUS Atlas
The Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Atlas is collaborative education platform where they create, share, and curate free ultrasound education material. Their goal is to improve the way POCUS is taught on a global scale. The POCUS Image Atlas is a collection of rare, exemplary, and perfectly captured ultrasound images intended to be used as educational material. The infographics of The Evidence Atlas showcase the data powering the POCUS movement.
We have not received financial support of any kind from industry sources, includ-ing drug or device companies. Our sponsors are solely interested in expanding safe and effective PoCUS use in the medical community.
This website represents how we and other experts have interpreted the ultrasound literature at the time of its creation. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or correction of errors.
Under no circumstances shall BC PoCUS, or any of the contributors on this website, be responsible for damages arising from use of this website and its content. This website should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including but not limited to establishing “standard of care” in a legal sense or as a basis for expert witness testimony. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the website.
This website does not represent the opinions or views of the University of British Columbia, the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, or the Rural Coordination Centre of BC. For more information, please see our Terms of Use.